Useful commands for hackintosh

on MAC OS X, how a list of disks and partitions: detect your disk and enter: when on windows dual boot, mount the efi drive: open CMD in Administrator mode you can find ONE COMMANDER on the app store, to open on Linux, use
Developer - VSCode useful commands

command description Ctrl+Shift+N new window Ctrl+R run project Cmd+Shift+P run command Cmd+P find file Cmd+D duplicate selection ( assign it )
How to use tinypng cli to compress all pictures in a directory

First you need to install tinypng-cli and provide an api key sudo npm install -g tinypng-cli Use this code to compress in the same directory If it has been compressed before and has the compressed- prefix, then other files will not get compressed. Make a file named tinify.command and place it in your directory. declare

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