Web Development - Use Babel as Watcher in IntelliJ PhpStorm

First, we need to install babel-cli globally Open terminal and say npm install -g @babel/core @babel/cli Then, you will need a preset that babel will follow for now, we will use preset-env: npm install -g @babel/preset-env We will check if / where preset-env is installed which @babel/preset-env It may return nothing, but in my OS

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How to free port 80 on mac os x

To see current processes do this in terminal sudo lsof -i ':80' To stop the built in apache server in Mac OS X do sudo apachectl stop
How to issue letsencrypt certificate from mac os x

best option would be to use cpanel option if avaialble recommandation Install brew brew install certbot use this command certbot --apache -d this might also work sudo certbot certonly --manual create the file requested
How to disable eslint rules

Disable for specific page add this on top of the file /* eslint-disable */   Disable for whole project Create a file named .eslintignore and enter **/*
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