This jQuery plugin should calculate the textwidth of elements. jQuery.fn.textWidth = function(){ var _t = jQuery(this); var html_org = _t.html(); if(_t[0].nodeName=='INPUT'){ html_org = _t.val(); } var html_calcS = '' + html_org + ''; jQuery('body').append(html_calcS); var _lastspan = jQuery('span').last(); //console.log(_lastspan, html_calc); _lastspan.css({ 'font-size' : _t.css('font-size') ,'font-family' : _t.css('font-family') }) var width =_lastspan.width() + 5; //_t.html(html_org); _lastspan.remove();
So recently I had to make ajax requests that pull in a piece of page with some scripting inside. The context does not matter much, what matters is the script executed fine on my localhost but not as a WordPress installation in a WP blog. After some head banging turns out that in my localhost
Posted on March 20 2013 / in Javascript
So lets start with defining the markup: JS Bin Canvas Fullscreen Button We don’t need jQuery so you can get rid of that if you want. Next, we open a script tag and we select the canvas element and it’s appropriate context. var c=document.getElementById("output2"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); We calculate the dimensions of the canvas element and
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