muplugins_loaded registered_taxonomy registered_post_type plugins_loaded sanitize_comment_cookies setup_theme load_textdomain after_setup_theme auth_cookie_malformed auth_cookie_valid set_current_user **init** widgets_init register_sidebar wp_register_sidebar_widget wp_default_scripts wp_default_stypes admin_bar_init add_admin_bar_menus wp_loaded parse_request send_headers parse_query pre_get_posts posts_selection wp template_redirect get_header wp_head wp_enqueue_scripts wp_print_styles wp_print_scripts
assign Contributor role to the user you wish to allow this install User Role Editor plugin and activate for the pages you want to allow just that user to edit, make them author you can do this from Quick edit menu from the Pages menu in users , select your user, click Capabilities check edit_pages
Posted on January 3 2018 / in WordPress
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings Go to Products > Inventory There’s a checkbox that says something about our problem, however it goes in english 🙂 you’ll find what you need Save
We need to go to WordPress admin, select Settings > General Then, from the Language field, select any language
If you need to use global variables restrictively and do not crowd the global variable namespace, you can have a single object. A way to get around this is just find and replace all entries of the variables, and convert them in the object Find \$qucreative_([a-z|_]*?)( |=|,|\)|\!|\[|\.|-|;) and replace with \$qucreative_theme_data['$1']$2 regex you
Open terminal Type cd then drag the folder of your theme or plugin press enter then, write find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete
This is the code $locations = get_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations' ); if(!empty($locations)) { foreach($locations as $locationId => $menuValue) { if($locationId=='primary'){ if(isset($menu_id)) { $locations[$locationId] = $menu_id; set_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations', $locations); } } } } replace ‘primary’ with the location of your theme, for the menu.
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