Tips and tricks

You can just apply this command git reset --soft mastergit add -A && git commit -m "commit message goes here" Then, if you are ready ( make sure you are on your branch by running git status ) to submit that commit, you can just call: git push -f
1. create an account in 2. search for your required domain 3. click ADD TO CART / CHECKOUT 4. add a hosting in the top right 5. your cart should look like this: 6. add any COUPONS if you wish
Use Browserify Globally as Watcher in PhpStorm [ add Babelify ] Use Browserify Globally as Watcher in PhpStorm external link: … You will need first the esmify and browser-resolve libraries sudo npm i -g esmify browser-resolve Then add -p /usr/local/lib/node_modules/esmify/esmify.js to the browserify command $FilePath$ -d -t [ /usr/local/lib/node_modules/babelify/index.js ] -p /usr/local/lib/node_modules/esmify/esmify.js -p [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/minifyify/lib/index.js

First you need to install tinypng-cli and provide an api key sudo npm install -g tinypng-cli Use this code to compress in the same directory If it has been compressed before and has the compressed- prefix, then other files will not get compressed. Make a file named tinify.command and place it in your directory. declare
This is the regex javascript [\s|\S](?:.)([a-z].*?):.*// --(.*?)\n php (.*?)=>.*,.*\/\/ --(.*?)(\n|$) replace with This makes this text: , enable_embed_button: 'off' // -- enable the embed button , embed_code: '' // -- embed code , skinwave_dynamicwaves: 'off' // -- dynamic scale based on volume for no spectrum wave , soundcloud_apikey: '' // -- set the sound cloud
Open up Terminal In the command line, cd to/your/directory Finally, in the command line, type: find . -name '.DS_Store' -type f -delete