If you have Windows 11, search for GPU, and make sure Optimization for Windowed Games is turned on disable Game Bar check for Places where to check for Windows Startup Programs ‣ Digital Zoom Studio update chipset find your version disable HPET you can do it in Device Manager, or there are some cmd /
Tips and tricks
on MAC OS X, how a list of disks and partitions: detect your disk and enter: when on windows dual boot, mount the efi drive: open CMD in Administrator mode you can find ONE COMMANDER on the app store, to open on Linux, use
Here’s how to remove agents and daemons via Finder:
Is your computer running slow ? Go to Start, search for System Configuration
from this to this use this html for the table propName description [...] use this regex (?:\/\*\*)(.*?)(?:\*\/)[\n](.*?):(.*?)(,|;|$) replace with $2: $3 $1 demo – here
Tired of using MAMP ? You should already have Apache installed on Ubuntu Install Apaache2 sudo apt update && sudo apt install apache2 restart: systemctl reload apache2 check config: apachectl configtest in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , set your username – also can be done in ( /etc/apache2/envvars ) # These need to be set in /etc/apache2/envvars User
open the console / devtools and enter // Create a class for the element class PopUpInfo extends HTMLElement { constructor() { // Always call super first in constructor super(); // Create a shadow root const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); // Create spans const wrapper = document.createElement('span'); wrapper.setAttribute('class', 'wrapper'); const icon = document.createElement('span'); icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon'); icon.setAttribute('tabindex',