you can put this in DevTools console:
Posted on January 16 2020
This is the regex javascript [\s|\S](?:.)([a-z].*?):.*// --(.*?)\n php (.*?)=>.*,.*\/\/ --(.*?)(\n|$) replace with This makes this text: , enable_embed_button: 'off' // -- enable the embed button , embed_code: '' // -- embed code , skinwave_dynamicwaves: 'off' // -- dynamic scale based on volume for no spectrum wave , soundcloud_apikey: '' // -- set the sound cloud
Posted on September 21 2018 / in Javascript, Tutorial
The only solution I found is having this in the return statement of the reducer return { ...state ,[topic_id]:{ ...state[topic_id] ,matches:[ ...state[topic_id].matches ,subticket ] } } ; If there are other solutions, let me know please. The state structure looks like this
Posted on September 11 2018 / in Tips
Disable for specific page add this on top of the file /* eslint-disable */ Disable for whole project Create a file named .eslintignore and enter **/*
Posted on August 1 2018 / in Javascript, Tips
Go to the text editor ( where you can input html content ) and input: <script>setInterval(function(){ if(window.jQuery){ jQuery(window).trigger('resize'); } },3000);</script>
Posted on February 14 2018 / in Javascript, Tips
Let us say you have a documented php function with arguments in this form 'display_type' => 'list',// -- "list" or "grid" or "grid-2" or "scroller" or "map" or "horizontal" 'grid_skin' => 'skin-forwall', // -- grid skin 'grid_extra_classes' => '', // -- extra classes for display grid 'tooltip_filters_show' => '', // -- select which information to
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