Useful commands for hackintosh

on MAC OS X, how a list of disks and partitions: detect your disk and enter: when on windows dual boot, mount the efi drive: open CMD in Administrator mode you can find ONE COMMANDER on the app store, to open on Linux, use
How to free port 80 on mac os x

To see current processes do this in terminal sudo lsof -i ':80' To stop the built in apache server in Mac OS X do sudo apachectl stop
How to issue letsencrypt certificate from mac os x

best option would be to use cpanel option if avaialble recommandation Install brew brew install certbot use this command certbot --apache -d this might also work sudo certbot certonly --manual create the file requested
how to make mac save jpeg screenshots

Launch Terminal write: defaults write type jpg then you can write killall SystemUIServer   Should be all Tried in Mac OS X Sierra
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