Tips and tricks
TinyPNG CLI setup to compress all files in a folder
This has only been tested on mac but should run on LINUX and WINDOWS ( power shell ) as well. We will have to create a file in your folder called minify.command
Declare array of files we will ignore ( already compressed files ) and we will transform
declare -a exclude_array declare -a compress_array
move to your folder, and scan files
STR="`dirname $0`" cd $STR yourfilenames=`ls .` for eachfile in $yourfilenames do if [[ "$eachfile" == *"compressed"* ]] then echo $eachfile dup=${eachfile/compressed} exclude_array+=($eachfile) exclude_array+=($dup) fi done for eachfile in $yourfilenames do if [[ "$eachfile" == *".png"* ]] || [[ "$eachfile" == *".jpg"* ]] ; then echo $eachfile compress_array+=($eachfile) fi done
now that we have the files and we make sure we will that we rename so that we won’t compress again redundantly
for target in "${exclude_array[@]}"; do for i in "${!compress_array[@]}"; do if [[ ${compress_array[i]} = $target ]]; then unset 'compress_array[i]' fi done done for target in "${compress_array[@]}"; do tinypng $target mv $target compressed-${target} done