First you need to enter your directory and to checkout: svn co Add new files: svn add trunk/* Then you’ll need to svn ci -m 'description'
The regex should be (\/\/).*$ If you have a way to mark your useful comments. Like I have — to mark them, you can use it in the negative lookahead ( to filter only the unuseful comment ) (\/\/)(?! –) You can use this in IDE such as PHPSTORM
The regex should be \/\/ .*$ You can use this in IDE such as PHPSTORM
I am writing this article because I have not found any relevant information on how to add a WP Editor field in the Theme Customizer. I DID find relevant information on the matter on and of course in the WordPress Codex but nothing to combine the two. So we will begin… add this
Parsing shortcodes such as this one [row] [col size="6"]...[/col] [col size="6"] // second col [row] [col size="6"]...[/col] // second col end, wrong [col size="6"]...[/col] [/row] [/col] [/row] can be tricky because the second [col] is ended by the one nested in the second, nested [row] so I have found that the best solution is to
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