I am writing this article because I have not found any relevant information on how to add a WP Editor field in the Theme Customizer. I DID find relevant information on the matter on http://themefoundation.com/wordpress-theme-customizer/ and of course in the WordPress Codex http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_editor but nothing to combine the two. So we will begin… add this
Parsing shortcodes such as this one [row] [col size="6"]...[/col] [col size="6"] // second col [row] [col size="6"]...[/col] // second col end, wrong [col size="6"]...[/col] [/row] [/col] [/row] can be tricky because the second [col] is ended by the one nested in the second, nested [row] so I have found that the best solution is to
First, it’s recommended to create a child theme for this so you don’t lose your changes on theme update. You need to modify the css to support fullwidth like so .my-full-size { margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; height: auto; padding-right: 1em !important; } Then duplicate page.php and create a new full-width-page.php with these contents:
Hello! I have a iframe shortcode generator inside of wordpress and I needed to get the wp uploader to insert media on it. Wheter you need it on a external page / frontend / whatever, this is the tutorial for you. First we need to load WordPress in our file. If it’s the frontend you
add_query_arg function add_query_arg(purl, key,value){ key = escape(key); value = escape(value); var s = purl; var pair = key+"="+value; var r = new RegExp("(&|\?)"+key+"=[^&]*"); s = s.replace(r,"$1"+pair); //console.log(s, pair); if(s.indexOf(key + '=')>-1){ }else{ if(s.indexOf('?')>-1){ s+='&'+pair; }else{ s+='?'+pair; } } //if(!RegExp.$1) {s += (s.length>0 ? '&' : '?') + kvp;}; return s; } get_query_arg function get_query_arg(purl, key){
This jQuery plugin should calculate the textwidth of elements. jQuery.fn.textWidth = function(){ var _t = jQuery(this); var html_org = _t.html(); if(_t[0].nodeName=='INPUT'){ html_org = _t.val(); } var html_calcS = '' + html_org + ''; jQuery('body').append(html_calcS); var _lastspan = jQuery('span').last(); //console.log(_lastspan, html_calc); _lastspan.css({ 'font-size' : _t.css('font-size') ,'font-family' : _t.css('font-family') }) var width =_lastspan.width() + 5; //_t.html(html_org); _lastspan.remove();
A image guide on how to install WordPress Importer access your WP Dashboard click Tools > Import choose WordPress as the import source click Install Now click Activate choose the import file
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