go to https://translate.google.com/toolkit/list#translations/active upload your .mo file select your language and just press next download your final mo file
Tips and tricks
install adb tools minimal open Minimal ADB and Fastboot write adb devices allow usb debugging on your mobile device go to Chrome chrome://inspect/#devices all done
Just use this snippet here function isCyclic(obj) { var keys = []; var stack = []; var stackSet = new Set(); var detected = false; function detect(obj, key) { if (obj && typeof obj != 'object') { return; } if (stackSet.has(obj)) { // it's cyclic! Print the object and its locations. var oldindex = stack.indexOf(obj);
So I have struggled with this for a long time now. First you need the coresponding libraries npm i -g @babel/core@^7.2.2 npm i -g @babel/preset-env@^7.3.1 npm i -g @babel/preset-react@^7.0.0 npm i -g autoprefixer@^9.5.0 npm i -g babel-loader@^8.0.5 npm i -g css-loader npm i -g extract-text-webpack-plugin@next npm i -g generate-template-files npm i -g mini-css-extract-plugin npm i
To see current processes do this in terminal sudo lsof -i ':80' To stop the built in apache server in Mac OS X do sudo apachectl stop
best option would be to use cpanel option if avaialble recommandation Install brew brew install certbot use this command certbot --apache -d yourdomain.com this might also work sudo certbot certonly --manual create the file requested
The only solution I found is having this in the return statement of the reducer return { ...state ,[topic_id]:{ ...state[topic_id] ,matches:[ ...state[topic_id].matches ,subticket ] } } ; If there are other solutions, let me know please. The state structure looks like this