Tips and tricks

Developer - VSCode useful commands

command description Ctrl+Shift+N new window Ctrl+R run project Cmd+Shift+P run command Cmd+P find file Cmd+D duplicate selection ( assign it )
Link a microservice application to google cloud

Get a google cloud account Install Google Cloud SDK Run the command gcloud auth From GCloud enable: Kubernetes Engine API Google Cloud Build API create a cluster in Kubernetes Run the command: gcloud init Select the project: gcloud config set project $MY_PROJECT_ID select your CLUSTER gcloud container clusters get-credentials YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --zone us-central1-c Select the kubectl

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How to setup a gitsubmodule

You need to setup a .gitsubmodules file in the root of your git repository, it looks something like [submodule "common"] path = common url = [submodule "client"] path = client url = [submodule "auth"] path = auth url = [submodule "tickets"] path = tickets url = [submodule "orders"] path = orders

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How to test package in local development with npm

npm link method on your angular project library, run npm run build projectname then in Terminal, navigate on dist/projectname and run npm link this should create a global symlink in the global npm packages folder, you can find it if you run %APPDATA% and go to npm/node_modules, then if you open it with terminal and

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