$current_user [php]WP_User Object ( [data] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1 [user_login] => admin [user_pass] => $P$xxxxxxx7o3SVZWJYrn/ [user_nicename] => admin [user_email] => xxx@gmail.com [user_url] => [user_registered] => 2011-03-04 22:59:53 [user_activation_key] => [user_status] => 0 [display_name] => admin [first_name] => [last_name] => [nickname] => admin [description] => [rich_editing] => true [comment_shortcuts] => false [admin_color] =>
Posted on February 23 2011 / in Tips
As you may know, I sell premium WordPress scripts here – http://codecanyon.net/user/ZoomIt/portfolio?ref=ZoomIt . As authors, we are not required to offer support, but I myself consider it a important part of the deal and I do offer it best as I can. 80% of support requests are related to plugin compatibilities ( the other 20%
Posted on January 22 2011 / in Tips
Cufon text does not show up in a submenu (visibility: hidden)? Fix: Use display:none / display:block instead of visibility IE Opacity Ignores Positioned Children If you set a child at position relative or absolute, the child will ignore the parent opacity. Fix: Stick to position: static and try to position via margin-left, margin-top
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